
Compilaton remask jaikoz
Compilaton remask jaikoz

compilaton remask jaikoz

However when the track is a different version it will not be the same recording so we cannot use this method, but we could to a more exhaustive metadata search to find tracks with same name but different lengths if not necessary to do it for every track. So if you do want to keep your compilation metadata you can then use this method to get the original release date. Technically finding the song with the earliest release date would take forever on the current version of Musicbrainz but with Musicbrainz NGS it is alot more feasible because the same track (known as recording in NGS) can be on multiple albums so quite easy to iterate through the releases to find the earliest release date.

compilaton remask jaikoz

is not quite correct either although its not going to corrupt Musicbrainz, of course if you really want to put the original release year into the release year field you can do that easily in Jaikoz using Prepend to Left. It turns out that normally people want just to get the correct release year, so the best solution is because then the metadata is perfectly correct and it gives you the information you require. I don’t like (3) firstly because its just wrong for Jaikoz to match to a song that it knows is incorrect, and secondly because it could cause problem for Musicbrainz, if having matched to these songs you send Musicbrainz Ids/Puids back to Musicbrainz you are in fact corrupting the Musicbrainz database. Match all fields to the earliest song you can find even if track lengths dont actually match.

compilaton remask jaikoz

Going forward I have had the following requests.įor compilations continue to match to the compilation track but put into the Year field the release year of the original song.įor compilations continue to match to the compilation track but put into Original Release Time field (ID3 only field in current version of Jaikoz) the release year of the original song. Your song is in fact a later version of a song, different to the original song that you want it to match to, normally identified by having significantly different track length.Ĭurrently you can get round by setting Prefer do not Match to Various/Single Artist Compilation, there is no way to solve problem.Your song is a better metamatch to a compilation.In Jaikoz 380 (beta) if you set Preferred Release Date to Earliest Release Date Jaikoz will normally match Jaikoz to the song with the earliest release date, but there are two cases where it will not. There have been a few posts about this issue so I’m just going to summarise how I see it.

Compilaton remask jaikoz